College Application Essay
Your chance to be unique
Many colleges require an essay as part of the application process. Colleges use this to gain insight into the applicant not always seen on a transcript or completed application. Each college will let you know what topics they want you to write about. Sometimes they will give you a choice. Sometimes you may be able to use the same essay for more than one college. Here are some tips for writing an acceptable essay:
- Put some thought into the response. Writing an essay is a process. You should not sit down the night before you are turning in your application and write your essay. Think about it, develop ideas and take your time.
- Colleges are interested in learning about a unique side to you. Often, an essay will distinguish one candidate from another. They do not want to hear about last summer's vacation or the charms of their college. Not that these are not good topics, but students will latch on to these more global topics just to have a topic. Colleges will see this. What can you let the college know about you that you believe sets you apart from others?
- Speak with a teacher; submit a rough draft for some helpful hints. Usually teachers are willing to look over your work.
- It cannot be stressed enough that good grammar, neatness and correct spelling are a MUST! Good writing and speaking skills are what employers and colleges look for in applicants. Making a good impression through your writing will give you an edge.
- Have your parents look over your final draft.
- Make sure your name is on each page of your essay.
- When uploading an essay online, make sure to look at how it uploaded, if possible. You want to make sure it all was uploaded and looks the way you wanted it to.