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Student Services Task Force

I.  Task Force Charge

The charge of the Task Force is to serve as an advisory group to the Board of Education and the Administrative Team. The review of the practices in student services over the last three-four years will include each of the following:

  1. Review of public and local student services data;
  2. Review of Federal, New York State, and Board of Education Laws, Regulations, and/or Policies
  3. Processes and protocols;
  4. Instructional impact of programs and processes.

II.  Work Plan

  1. By June 30, 2017, the Student Services Task Force plans to provide a written review and recommendation to the Board of Education and the Administrative Team. As part of the overall student services system, the plan will ensure that a responsive and effective network of structures are in place.
  2. The Task Force will meet no more than five to six times during the March through June 30, 2017 timeframe.

At the May 2, 2017 meeting, the task force agreed to identify key areas to begin the work:

  1.   Review of laws and policies governing student services;
  2.  Review of public and internal data related to services;
  3.   Communication procedures and responsibilities;
  4.  Instructional impact of programming and processes.

III.  Desired Outcomes

To create a list of recommendations based upon the review of Oriskany Central School District processes and procedures.  Our focus centered on a written process that would be documented and communicated.


IV.  Summary of Result and Recommendations:

 Area of Focus


Professional Development

September 2017 RtI, 504, and Special Education training for all faculty and staff.  This needs to be focused on Federal and New York State Laws and Commissioner’s Regulations in Parts 100 and 200.

Access to additional training opportunities throughout the year to continue to learn as implementation occurs and new questions or needs arise. 


Written process for referrals for RtI, 504, SPED consistent between buildings

Forms for collecting information need to be accessible and consistent between buildings.  We discussed having District IST work on this with the Building Level Teams.


Consistent practices and documentation for each of the Building Level IST meetings

 Data Access

Access to a platform to store all the data, interventions, and supports being provided in a location all can access (i.e. ClearTrack, SchoolTool, RtI Edge…).

 Needs Assessment

We didn’t discuss this yet, however, I would like our task force to consider identifying a way to seek input from all faculty and staff to ensure we are meeting their needs.  See the survey in your binder from our initial meeting.  It is aligned to the Blueprint. We can discuss this at our June 13 meeting.  It can be a starting point.

Review other districts’ plans

We reviewed other schools processes and written plans and forms.  We would like to share a few of these with District IST for review and as a starting point.