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Special Programs


Mrs. Catherine Mucurio

Director of Special Programs & Support Services, CSE & CPSE Chairperson, 504 Coordinator
School: 315.768.2048
School Fax: 315.768.2081

Mrs. Angela Pastor

Administrative Assistant
School: 315.768.2048
School Fax: 315.768.2081

Special Education

The objectives of the Oriskany Central School Special Education Programs are reflective of the intent of IDEA, and are aligned with the regulations of the Commissioner of Education as set forth in Article 89 of the New York State Education Law. The purpose of special education is to provide a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment for students under the age of twenty-one identified as having educational difficulties. Special Education is intended to address individual academic, social, physical, and management needs as identified by a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Specialized instructional strategies and materials are used to individualize instruction so that students with disabilities can benefit from the district’s programs.

Oriskany Central School is committed to providing students with an inclusive education experience whenever possible.  Students not served in district have intensive needs that cannot be met within district programs and services.