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Public Involvement

The public is encouraged to make its views known to the Board during the public hearing portions of the agenda. It should be pointed out that there is no legal requirement that the public be given this opportunity to speak at Board meetings. It is a procedure of the present Board of Education.
Citizens wishing to speak are requested to identify themselves and then make a short statement. The Board of Education’s function is decision-making. It wants to hear the sentiments of the public to assist in these decisions, but questions about the operation of the schools should be directed to the teacher or administrator closest to the situation. Experience has shown this procedure works best.

Although the Board wants the public aware and involved, it should be understood that all items on the agenda are important to the operation of the School District and must be acted upon. When the Board President curtails discussion on a topic, it is intended to ensure that the Board has sufficient time to address all other matters before it that evening.